

Date : May 7, 2023
Condition : New
Location : Office 7558 Peregrine Rd, Ilford IG6 3SZ, UK

Amethyst Gemstone Bracelet 

At LuxuryRVisible, we only aim to gift you the most amazing and extravagant pieces. Coming in different shapes and sizes yet satisfying everyone’s needs

Amethyst gemstone bracelet is not only best for men but it  is perfect for any woman looking for a unique piece of jewelry.The bracelet is made of genuine amethyst Gemstones. The beads are in a Fabouls purple with three letter beads representing LRV brand.

Colour: Purple

Stone(s) used: Amethyst 

Health benefit: Karmic healing

Bracelet size: 19cm/7.5 inches (Elastic/Adjustable)

Jasper is connected to the Earth and encourages a deep ecological awareness. It brings stability and balance, and is particularly grounding as a worry stone, or for dissolving a sudden rush of fear, anger, or panic. It facilitates deep meditation and centring, and grants access to past lives for karmic healing

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Office 7558 Peregrine Rd, Ilford IG6 3SZ, UK
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